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Predictability of B cell clonal persistence and immunosurveillance in breast cancer

Journal article

Sammut S-J. et al, (2024), Nature Immunology, 25, 916 - 924

The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans.


Lazaridis I. et al, (2024)

MicroRNA analysis of medium/large placenta extracellular vesicles in normal and preeclampsia pregnancies

Journal article

Awoyemi T. et al, (2024), Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 11

A syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder caused by rare variants in PPFIA3.

Journal article

Paul MS. et al, (2024), American journal of human genetics, 111

Ethical and social implications of public-private partnerships in the context of genomic/big health data collection.

Journal article

Horn R. et al, (2024), European journal of human genetics : EJHG

hadge: a comprehensive pipeline for donor deconvolution in single-cell studies.

Journal article

Curion F. et al, (2024), Genome biology, 25

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